seo keomkyo - BONGDATV

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seo keomkyo: [2009.00280] Radial symmetry and partially overdetermined problems in a ...,Keomkyo Seo's research works | Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul and ...,Stable minimal hypersurfaces in the hyperbolic space,서검교의 홈페이지 (Keomkyo Seo's homepage) - Publication,
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[2009.00280] Radial symmetry and partially overdetermined problems in a ...

Keomkyo Seo. MathSciNet. Ph.D. Seoul National University 2007. Dissertation: Relative Isoperimetric Inequality on a Riemannian Manifold. Mathematics Subject Classification: 53—Differential geometry. Advisor: Jaigyoung Choe. No students known.

Keomkyo Seo's research works | Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul and ...

I. Evangelista, Keomkyo Seo. Published 7 April 2017. Mathematics. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. In this paper, we estimate the p-fundamental tone of submanifolds in a Cartan-Hadamard manifold. First, we obtain lower bounds for the p-fundamental tone of geodesic balls and submanifolds with bounded mean curvature.

Stable minimal hypersurfaces in the hyperbolic space

Optimal isoperimetric inequalities for complete proper minimal submanifolds in hyperbolic space. Sung-Hong Min, Keomkyo Seo. Let Σ be a k -dimensional complete proper minimal submanifold in the Poincaré ball model Bn of hyperbolic geometry. If we consider Σ as a subset of the unit ball Bn in Euclidean space, we can measure the Euclidean ...

서검교의 홈페이지 (Keomkyo Seo's homepage) - Publication

Keomkyo Seo. School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea